π Featured projects
Check README in each repo for insights. See more at https://github.com/Andrewnt219
π BookFair - Search and list used books from courses
Demo https://andrew-bookfair.vercel.app/listing
Repo https://github.com/Andrewnt219/bookfair
What to see:
- A Next.js marketplace web app with roles admins, sellers, and buyers
- Implemented alert system to notify users of saved search terms (with SendGrid, and Firebase Cloud Functions)
- Securely handle usersβ purchases for premium features (with Stripe Checkout)
- Integrated Algolia Search to improve search speed and allow analyzing usersβ search patterns/keywords
π Simple Zoom - A video call web app
Demo https://react-zoom-simple.vercel.app/
Repo https://github.com/Andrewnt219/react-zoom-simple
What to see:
- Support multiple attendants, link sharing
- Support media controls and multiple media input sources
2021-10-05 19-59-49.mp4
π¨ Personal blog - A Gutenberg-inspired blog
Demo https://ant-blog.vercel.app/